Welcome Lynelle, Bethany's First Kindergarten Teacher

LynelleLynelle Yoder Hofer will be Bethany’s first Kindergarten teacher. She has 5 years of experience in kindergarten classrooms and has also taught 1st-grade Spanish immersion, special education, and 4th-6th grade combined classes. Lynelle has taught for 11 years and has been at Freeman Academy in Freeman, South Dakota for the past 7 years. She is currently teaching high school Spanish and is the Spiritual Life Coordinator. Lynelle developed Freeman Academy's inaugural kindergarten program.  In the Kindergarten classroom, Lynelle likes to reinforce learning with song, provide Montessori style choices for students in a project-based framework, and utilize outdoor nature activities.


Lynelle graduated from Bethany in 2009 and from Goshen College in 2013 with a B.A. in elementary education and minors in Spanish and TESOL. She is the daughter of Trish (& James) Yoder who served at Bethany as a teacher, coach, and admissions director.  


Lynelle enjoys spending time with family, experimenting in the kitchen, and running when time and weather allow. She and her husband Josh, have two children: Gideon, age 4, and Lena, age 3. They will be moving to the Goshen area in late June. 
