
Greetings from Bethany!

Welcome to our online resource for current parents, where we are gathering together important information, links, and updates for you.

This is the new home of the Bruin Weekly.

You can find important information on this hub, including resources, contact information, recent news, calendar events and more.

To help the Bethany community as a whole and parents of all grade levels, we decided to separate one calendar into two. All events are still available, but you may need to resubscribe.

Website calendar

To view calendar events online, select Calendar at the top of this page.

When you are on the calendar page, have a look at the right side of the screen. By default, below the monthly calendar, both Academics and Athletics should be checked. From there, it is up to you—select Academic, Athletics, or both.

BCS calendar subscribing

Subscribing to the calendar

If you would like to sync the calendar to your own devices, select which calendar you want, then choose the 'Subscribe' link above the monthly calendar. When it is shared with your device, it would likely be named as 'Bethany Christian Schools -Academics OR Athletics OR Custom Calendar'.

We hope that this is helpful for you. You are welcome to send an email to [email protected] if you have any issues or questions.

Please take note:

Fall Sports Photos

Athletic players and parents, don't forget to order your photos! Both team and individual pictures are available to order directly from Digital Mitchell Photography. The prints will be delivered directly to your home address.

Spirit Week
This week the high school’s Student Government Association (SGA) will be sponsoring Spirit Week, leading up to Homecoming Weekend (Sept. 13–14). Following are the daily dress-up themes—the grade that has the most participation will win a prize at the end of the week:

  • Friday: Bruin Spirit Wear
  • Saturday: Homecoming Dance (grades 9–12), 8–10:30pm. Fun, food, and music. Admission is $3.

Community Open House
We are excited to begin this school year as a full K–12 education option for local families! Community members are warmly welcomed to tour Bethany's new lower school wing on Friday evening, September 13, from 6–7:30pm. Guests may park in the school's north parking lot, and enter through the new lower school entrance. We hope to see many of you there!

Vintage Bethany Gear Table
The Alumni Council is asking for donations to the Vintage Bethany Gear Table at Homecoming. We are asking alumni, parents, staff, and friends to donate well-loved Bethany gear—old or new—to be sold during Homecoming on Saturday. Sales will go to the Bethany Fund which supports student activities, academic programs, facilities, and teacher professional development. Drop off your donations at the entrances of the Lower School, Administration, and High School Gym lobby OR bring them to the Vintage Table on Saturday, September 14.

2024–25 Indiana School Choice Awards & Forms
Parents/guardians of Indiana School Choice Scholarship award recipients: look for a BLUE envelope in the mail containing your student's 2024–25 award letter from the Indiana Department of Education as well as two forms for each recipient that must be signed and returned to the school. A return envelope is enclosed for your convenience. Please return both signed forms as soon as possible. If you have any questions, please call the School and ask for Robin Yoder or email her directly.

Interterm I
Our first of three Interterms will be taking place October 9–11 for students in most grades. This hands-on experiential learning opportunity provides a variety of opportunities for students to participate in unique, fun and educational experiences both on and off campus. Many lower and middle school students will be involved in the Wilderness Experience as part of their Interterm I. More information about Interterm I will be coming soon.

Grade 3-8 Wilderness Experience
As part of Interterm I (October 11–13), students in grades 3–8 will be involved in the Bethany Wilderness Experience. Students in grades 3/4 will visit Quaker Haven Camp on Friday, October 11 while students in grades 5–8 will leave on this overnight experience the morning of Thursday, October 10 and return the afternoon of Friday, October 11. Grades 5/6 will go to Camp Friedenswald, grade 7 will go to Camp Amigo, and Grade 8 will be going to Shades State Park.  Specific details about itinerary, what to bring and other information will be sent to families in the coming weeks. 

MS Extracurricular Grade Checks
We are proud of the large number of students who participate in athletics and other extracurriculars. We also feel that it is extremely important to help parents monitor the grades of our middle school students and to intervene when necessary. Each Friday, middle school teachers will submit names of students with low grades and will determine if a week off from extracurriculars could be helpful for the student. Parents will receive an email from the Bethany office informing them of the one-week intervention. We thank you for your support and hope that you are also monitoring your child’s grades.

  • Once again, we are partnering with the Goshen Public Library to provide free library cards to all Bethany students! If your student already has a library card from GPL they will be automatically renewed for another year. If they don’t have a card, one will be issued to them at school at the end of September. Your student will assume responsibility for anything checked out from the public library on their card. If you do NOT want your child to receive a card, please email the Bethany librarian, Heidi Sawatzky by September 13 to have their name removed from the list.
  • With the new Indiana state law and Bethany expectations relating to technology (cell phone) use, we are asking that parents communicate with their student through the Bethany office during school hours. The office will communicate with students on your behalf. View the new technology policy in the Student-Parent Handbook that was emailed to all families.
  • If you know your student will have a planned absence, please notify the office as soon as possible so we can make teachers aware and can make academic preparations. If you have a student who is home ill or has a medical appointment, please notify the office as soon as possible that day. Contact the office at [email protected] or call 574-534-2567.
  • Parents who are not receiving text messages from the school and would like to, text Y to 67587. Parents who want to stop receiving messages need to opt out by texting Stop to the same number.

For more dates to remember, see the calendars in the upper right of this page. 

Lower School

  • Two fall club opportunities for students in grades 3-8 (who are not playing a fall sport): Running Club will meet on Mondays and Fridays, 3:30-4:30 through September 30. Register online
  • Tennis Club will meet on Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30, through September 25. Register online
Class Newsletters (updated every Friday 9:00 am)
Kindergarten 4th Grade
1st Grade 5th Grade
2nd Grade 6th Grade
3rd Grade  

Middle School

Opportunities abound for Bethany middle school students to participate in extracurricular activities. This week soccer and volleyball started their schedule of games, although extreme heat on Tuesday canceled all outdoor activities. This week also brought about the beginning of chess club and tennis club. During chapel on Wednesday, Mr. Miller challenged students to participate in our chapel theme of togetherness and shared examples from sports, school and life. The halls, playground, classrooms, sports fields, courts and cafeteria are bursting with energy as students participate together.
  • October 9: Interterm
  • October 10-11: Wilderness Experience (7th grade @ Amigo, 8th grade @ Shades State Park)

Upper School

Auditions for the high school play, “All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten,” are next Wednesday. If you’re interested in cast, crew, or both, sign up for an audition time and grab an audition packet.

Intramural volleyball by advisory groups begins today. Start your conditioning.