About Josh Weaver

I grew up in Ohio. I am married and have two children. I enjoy coffee, playing ice hockey, and cycling.

What is your philosophy of teaching?

I believe that asking questions is incredibly important for learning. Curiosity leads us to discovery. I want to spark curiosity in my students.

What kind of classroom experience do you try to create for your students?

I want my students to have an experience that is interactive and engaging; where students can think and respond.

How do you keep students engaged in their learning experience?

I try to tell stories that illustrate lessons and have different types of classroom content.

What qualities or life skills do you wish to impart to your students?

Curiosity, Confidence but with Humility, Empathy

What fuels your passion and drive to be an educator?

My own interest in reading and learning new things. Curiosity about the world and connections between disciplines.

What makes teaching at Bethany unique or special?

I have a lot of flexibility to try new things. I have a deep connection with my students that comes from being in a small and supportive community.

When you aren't teaching, what can we find you doing?

Hanging out with my kids, riding my bike, reading the news.

Is there a topic in the area you teach that you're especially passionate about?

Understanding historical context and learning about new ideas in Biblical scholarship.