Interterm 2006











Alpine Climbing

Students learned to rappel and snowshoe in the mountains of Colorado.

Auto Mechanics

Students dismantled three cars, learned how to cook on an engine, visited a car museum in Auburn, put together a model car, and learned what to look for when buying a car and how to take care of a car.

Exploring the National Pastime

Students attended major league baseball games in St. Louis, Chicago, Milwaukee, and Cleveland, to explore and appreciate America's national past time.

Canoe Camping

Students canoed the Green River in central Kentucky and camped next to the river in primitive camp sites.

Chicago: Arts, Culture, and Service

Students explored Chicago, and maybe ethnic districts, watched a couple shows, ate in ethnic restaurants, worked in a daycare center and homeless shelter.

Dig This! Archaeology in Viriginia

Students sent two days at Ferry Farm, the boyhood home of George Washington, in Fredericksburg, Virginia, working with archaeologists on an actual dig and an archictectural archaeology tour of Kenmore Plantation, home of Washington's sister. Students also visited Washington, D.C. and Pope's Creek, site of Washington's birthplace. Students then visited the original Jamestown Fort built in 1607, original glassworks of 1608, and living history sites of the glassworks, Jamestown fort and Powhatan village, and Colonial Williamsburg. Students toured the homes of U.S. Presidents Jefferson, Monroe, and Madison.

Film, Philosophy, and Food

Students critically examined the basic philosophies that are present in film as they watched 2-3 films each day from different time periods and styles


Students rode some 75 miles through the Big South Fork Back County, the largest "True Wilderness" area east of the Mississippi River.

MDS Service Trip to Louisiana

Students worked with Mennonite Disaster Service helping repair homes in Louisiana that were damaged from the 2005 Hurricane Rita.


Students hiked and camped along the River to Rivertrail in southern Illinois. In addition to hiking and camping, activities included sketching and photography, using field guides, scripture reading, and personal writing and reflection.