Betzy Calderon » About Betzy Calderon

About Betzy Calderon

I was born in California and moved to Indiana when I was 7 years old. I went to Concord community school and graduated in 2006. I attended Ivy tech for early childhood development. 

I'm married and have 4 children Elly Mujica 10th, Luna Calderon 10th, Andres Calderon 2nd, and Zoe Calderon Kindergarten at Waterford Elementary. I enjoy traveling with my family to new places. I'm a big fan of reading and a big Harry Potter fan. 

What makes working at Bethany unique or special?

That I have the same schedule as my children and I can be more involved in their activities. 

I also like the good energy everyone has.

When you aren't working, what can we find you doing?

Attending my children's after school activities or at home catching up on house chores.