J-Term 2016

Following are articles on J-Term courses in Bethany and/or local media:

  • Several courses focused on ways that Mennonite values of peacemaking and promoting justice intersect with everyday life. Read more.
  • Goshen News article on History and Design Technology to Disney World.


Click on the links below to jump to courses.

High School Teacher
Appalachian Sojourn Sherry Good
Bicycle Touring Josh Weaver; Michael Yeakey
Civil Rights and Service Eric Kaufmann
History & Design Technology Benji Hurst
Koinonia Farm John Mast and Krysten Parson
Baseball Brent Reinhardt
Ukulele Choir Dale Shenk
Middle School  
Fiber Fascination and Upcycling Sarah Lind
Meal Management Christine Stutzman
Feathered Frenzy Stacey Farran
Star Wars Hank Willems
Blast from the Past Juanita Hershberger
Ticket to Ride Matt Miller
Groovy Crafts Beth Grieser
Fractals and Tessellations Peter Shetler
Bethany Pop Star Brody Thomas
Beans and Nachos Nina Fox
Word Crazy Evie Nafziger
Lower School  


High School Courses

Appalachian Sojourn

The class spent one week researching and learning about Applachian culture, people, and the mining that once sustained the communities. They then headed for the hollars (hollows) of McDowell County, West Virginia, interacting with people there serving with MCC SWAP in home repair.



Bicycle Touring

This class met one week in January and will go on a four-day, three night self-contained bike trip in June (1-4). The class in January include time for worship, reflection, and research, as well as planning the bicycle tour (meal and camping logistics), bicycle maintenance/safety, and training for cyclists of all ability levels. During the week in January, students served at Chain Reaction Bicycle Project, researched cycling culture in different countries, and reflected on how the life of faith intersects with riding a bike and camping out. In response to questions about how cycling is impacted by different Bible verses on care for the environment, students noted the following:

    • "I think riding a bicycle fits in very well because it is one of the few vehicles that does not need a limited and quickly draining natural resource to run on. A bicycle also has only the emissions from creating it and from the person riding it. Quite a lot less than a sam's club freezer truck." -- Alex Cartwright
    • "I some times think that it's a pain to have to ride my bike to places where I want to go like the rec center but if I think about all of the less privalidged around the world and that there are boys and girls who have to walk miles just to get water than I feel like I should have to ride my bike more." -- Cedric Brenneman
    • "Riding a bike also helps you to be thankful for creation.  When you ride a bicycle you are caring for the earth and helping to protect God's creation." -- Carissa Mast

Civil Rights and Service

Students studied the history of the Civil Rights movement and explored current civil rights topics during the first week. During the second week they volunteered with Mennonite Disaster Service in Texas, helping rebuild homes destroyed in a wildfire.



History and Design Technology

Students studied and observed design processes and engineering behind the creation of Walt Disney World in Orlando, Fla. A three-day learning experience in the parks at WDW included a full-day educational course taught by WDW engineers and educators. Students also studied the life of Walt Disney, and the history, creation, development and innovations of The Magic Kingdom and EPCOT (experimental prototype community of tomorrow).



Koinonia Farm

Students studies and visited Koinonia Farm, an intentional Christian community founded in 1942 by Clarence and Florence Jordan. The community seeks to embody peacemaking, sustainability, and radical sharing. While honoring all people of all backgrounds and faith, they strive to demonstrate the way of Jesus as an alternative to materialism, militarism, and racism. Koinonia vision: "Love through service to others, Joy through generous hospitality, Peace through reconciliation.



Geography and History of Baseball

Geography and History of Baseball challenged students to understand America's oldest major sport. Projects included creatubg a model franchise, including designing a stadium and uniforms, and developing an advertising campaign for a product featuring a play from the All-Professional Girls American Baseball League. Students watch several baseball movies, including Ken Burns' miniseries exploring baseball history. The class includes a 2-day trip to two major league baseball games on June 1-2.



Ukulele Choir

Students learned to play a ukulele and also built a homemade stringed instrument.


Middle School Courses

Fiber Fascination and Upcycling

Students explored several traditional fiber arts through projects that include a modern twist, discovering the wonders of wool by making felt balls, knitting fingerless mitts or an ipod/phone cover. They also expanded upon tehir sewing or embroidery knowledge by making “upcycled” projects from used materials--old sweaters, scarves, tablecloths etc.


Meal Management
Students learned how to plan, prepare and then serve a meal for your kitchen group. They learned what foods can be prepared in advance by freezing them and also time management of putting a meal together before serving it. Also, studied proper table etiquette and place settings.


Feathered Frenzy

Class learned about Midwestern birds, built birdhouses and birdfeeders to take home, heard from bird experts, and learned to identify some of Goshen’s winter resident birds by sight and sound as they bundled up for some local bird watching excursions.


Star Wars

Look in-depth into the complete Star Wars saga and how it has influenced the world. Students watched Episodes I-VII, The Clone Wars, documentaries on the making of the films. Also built with Star Wars Legos, researched historic similarities and parallels, made videos, and played games based on the Star Wars movies.




Blast from the Past

Students exploree the daily life, activities and experiences that occurred during the 1950s, sampling root beers, learning 50’s dances, playing “old fashion” games, listening to Big Band music, watching I Love Lucy episodes, visiting a Blacksmith, eating at a 50s diner, and much more.



Ticket to Ride

The world is a fascinating place, with its different cultures, foods, clothing, and geographical features. Look into the specifics of several cities across the world, using the Ticket to Ride board game as a jumping off point. Stidents played the game--but then studied the cities that are included on each map. Even played an Indiana version created by teacher Matt Miller. They also prepared food, looked at ancient ruins, played popular games, acted out stories and enjoyed learning about the wondrous world God created.



Groovy Crafts

What do string art owls and peace symbols have in common? They were both popular during the 70s. Filled with craft options ranging from woodburning a sign to bleach-dying a T-shirt. Students created string art designs, egg shell mosaics, paper beads and yarn baskets.




Fractals and Tessellations

All around us we can see how our Creator has woven into our bodies and into the world around us fractal designs and tessellation patterns. Students learned what fractals and tessellations are, explored where they are found, imagining why they are used, and creatde beautiful new worlds of their own using fractal computer software. Fractals are SMART--science, math and art.



Bethany Pop Star

Students immerse themselves in the pop music genre, focusing on music of the 20th and 21st century as they discovered the difference between the “classical” and “pop” voice. As a class they learned pieces such as Journey's "Don't Stop Believin" and performed solos and small group numbers.



Beans and Nachos

In "Beans and Nachos," students explored different facets of Hispanic culture, including food, dance, music, art, and literature. They learned essential vocabulary to help navigate each of these domains, including the "do's" and the definitely "do not's."



Word Crazy

The class played and worked with words: puzzles and stories teased the imagination, students wrote riddles, mini-mysteries, reader’s theater, and character sketches and had fun with brainteasers, tongue twisters, and puns.


Lower School

Grade 4-5 students rotatated among three classes that focused on computers, discrimination, and food.