Goshen Community Schools
1 Redskin Road, Goshen
High school: Take SR 15 north to Purl Street and turn east (right). Go past 10th St. and enter parking lot. Gymnasium to the north. Soccer fields to the right (next to football field). To baseball diamond, turn north (left) on 10th St. and turn east (right) on US 33. Baseball diamond on left: turn left (east) on Madison Street and then into parking lot for Phend Field.
Middle school: Take SR 15 north to SR 119 (Plymouth Ave) and turn west (left). Turn left (south) on CR 21 (Indiana Avenue) and then left into parking lot.
Softball: Games are played behind the swimming pool at Shanklin Park. Take SR 15 north to SR 119 (Plymouth Ave) and turn west (left). Shanklin Park is on north (right) within ½ mile.
Tennis: Games are played at Goshen Middle School.