Bright Future

At Bethany Christian Schools, the future is bright!

We are building a bright start for our students by providing a strong foundation that begins in kindergarten. By expanding our school to include a new wing for grades K-3, the Bright Future Campaign makes it possible for more children to benefit from Bethany’s holistic education…right from the start! 


Our community needs a Bethany elementary school and Bethany graduates!

By becoming a comprehensive K-12 school, we are:

  • Responding to a growing desire for elementary education alternatives in our local area
  • Creating a facility that will mirror our community-based learning practices, with gathering areas for classes to cook, give presentations and create together, providing an educational model that does not focus on standardized testing, but instead on developing skills that lead to creativity and understanding
  • Weaving together a holistic approach to learning that incorporates lots of hand-on learning, movement, outdoor activities, and faith woven throughout the curriculum
  • Further investing in long-term relationships with students and families
  • Graduating students who think creatively, see connections between different disciplines and make ethical decisions

At Bethany, our long history lends us stability, and our strong vision gives us purpose. We know what we want to do–provide an education that astounds our community with its joy, inspiration and beauty–and we know how to do it. What we need now is the space and opportunity to enter the bright future we envision for our students. Join us as we move forward into a new, bright space, providing a bright start for the youngest in our community.






Your gifts provide the resources to continue our excellent student programming while creating the space for us to grow and transform. Plans for the campaign include manifesting our strategic plan to become a complete school serving students from kindergarten through high school graduation.