2016 Record: 11-7
PB = personal best; SB = season best

Date VS Individuals
Aug. 18 at Goshen Inv. first of ten teams Hannah Yeakey 1st, Elaina Youngberg 8th, Clara Lind 10th, Fiona Yeakey 17th, Sasha Dyck 19th.
Aug. 23 at Warsaw Inv. 8th of 12 teams H Yeakey 6th of 127 runners. Personal Bests: Lind, Luisa Dutchersmith, Dyck, F Yeakey, Julia Jun, Carissa Mast, Anna Smucker
Sep. 1 at Elkhart Central (Oxbow Park): 29-26
Westview 27-30
Elkhart Memorial: 22-33
Elkhart Christian 29-26
PB: Lind, Jun, Smucker, F. Yeakey
Sep. 3 at Manchester Inv. 5th of 18 H Yeakey 3rd of 122 (19:58); PB: Anna Smucker, Julia Jun, Luisa Dutchersmith, Fiona Yeakey
Sep. 8 at Goshen (Shanklin Park) 23-33
Bremen 29-26
H. Yeakey 1st in 20:01
Sep. 10 Elkhart beat St. Joe in County Clash at Oxbow Park; Bethany 11th of 15 H. Yeakey 2nd (1st for Elkhart County) in 19:59; PB for Smucker (26:06) and Dyck (24:40)
Sep. 13
at Fairfield Super Dual: Bethany 30 Fairfield 26;
Bethany 37 Marian 22; Bethany 34 Bremen 25;
Bethany 15Blackhawk 50; Bethany 15 Jimtown 50;
Bethany 19 Prairie Heights 42; Bethany 23 Westview 34
H Yeakey first; PB for Lind (23:13) and Smucker (25:51)
Sep. 17 at West Noble Inv. 9th of 25 H Yeakey 7th of 248 runners. SB: H Yeakey 19:44, PB: Youngberg (22:06), F Yeakey (23:57), Dutchersmith (23:57), Dyck (24:23), Smucker (25:32), Mast (25:33), Jun (26:17)
Sep. 20 at Westview 23-35, Garret 26-35, Howe 15-50 H Yeakey first: PB: Smucker (25:30)
Sep. 24 at New Haven Inv.: 4th of 18 PB: H. Yeakey (19:34), Youngberg (21:40), Lind (22:48), Dyck (23:16), F Yeakey (23:26), Dutchersmith (23:49), Smucker (24:36), Hostetler (25:27)
Sep. 30 at Bethany Inv: Bethany 15 Argos 50; Bethany 34 ECA 25 PB: Mast (24:58), Dutchersmith (23:21), Jun (25:47).
Oct. 8 sectionals at Oxbow: 9th of 11 H. Yeakey and Youngberg advance to regionals; PB: Yeakey (19:34), Dutchersmith (23:20)
Oct. 15 regionals at Oxbow H. Yeakey 3rd in 19:35; Youngberg 85th in 24:38
Oct. 22 semistate at New Haven H. Yeakey 60th in 20:07