Lower School

Bethany’s Lower School offers our youngest students a hands-on, innovative, and inquiry-based learning environment. Small class sizes allow teachers to provide individualized instruction so that each child can receive focused attention in areas where they’re facing challenges, as well as in areas of giftedness. Core curriculum is based on Indiana state standards, and is coupled with enrichment instruction in art, drama, technology, physical education, vocal music and beginning instruments, or vocal and instrumental music.

The Lower School offers many distinctive opportunities including:

  • Outdoor activity and multiple breaks each day are prioritized, with students dressing appropriately to spend time outdoors in all seasons and all types of weather. 
  • Our farm-to-school program allows students to help provide healthy food for our cafeteria—tending chickens, working in school gardens, growing greens in classrooms, and more. 
  • Bible curriculum in the lower grades focuses on students recognizing themselves as children of God, seeing themselves in the arc of God’s big story, and building peaceable communities at school and at home. 
  • Lower school students learn the importance of service by giving of their time to help others…even if it’s by doing something as simple as collecting recycling around the school each week. 

Students learn best when they feel known and loved at school. Each child is known and cared for here, while special attention is given to managing and building a positive classroom dynamic. All of these elements work together to ensure the holistic and healthy growth of each child—emotionally, academically, socially, and spiritually.